What its Like to Move House
Before and After a Spiritual Awakening

An image of moving boxes and household items.

It was two days before I was scheduled to move house. After a long day of purging, packing, and cleaning, I needed relief and sought it at my altar and on my cushion. I sat in power and found peace.

I received healing energy. There was a point where I felt my kundalini energy get a recharge and flood me with beautiful healing. Afterwards, I felt like I had just spent an hour in a spa. Wait, what?

Yes, two days before I was scheduled to move, I felt like I had just stepped out of a spa. That awareness brought tears to my eyes. That was only the beginning of the growth and change that I would recognize as I moved house for the first time since my spiritual awakening.

Moving House Before My Spiritual Awakening.

The last time I moved, in 2020, the world and my life were very different. It was before I knew what a spiritual awakening was, and before I knew that I was experiencing a spiritual awakening. I was still operating from behind my wounds and shadow aspects. I was hopeful but still very unconscious and powerless.

In the process of that last move many things were damaged or broken. I know that moving can be expensive, but in my last move I never anticipated the cost of replacing kitchen appliances or replacing damaged furniture. But material things can be replaced.

The greater damage was emotional. Everything felt hard. Communication was non-existent which made everything harder than it had to be. Trust was irreparably broken. And, at the time, I had no idea what a personal boundary was so nothing seemed to go my way.

The toxic situation caused unnecessary emotional and physical stress. The energy was dense and heavy. My physical condition suffered because I pushed through the pain, became dehydrated, and lacked good, nutritious fuel.

Even with all that, the move was completed, material things were repaired or replaced. That part is easy. The worst part was that the emotional scars never left, and trust was broken. At the time it felt like an unmitigated disaster, heavy and burdensome.

All that would change through my spiritual awakening process. During this move, all the past experiences were revisited, and I became aware of my growth.

Moving House After My Spiritual Awakening.

This move went very differently. It didn’t feel heavy and burdensome. It felt like an opportunity to grow and receive many blessings. Life after a spiritual awakening is a completely different experience. In all ways possible.

These were some of the differences I saw in myself and how I operate in my life.

A Mindset of Love, Support, Protection, and Guidance. This alone may have been the game changer. Knowing that no matter what happened, I was loved, supported, protected, and guided meant everything to me. It meant that I was never alone no matter how things seemed. Throughout the move I had the support of my Spirit Team. Anything I needed, I asked for it and received it. Support, guidance healing, angel hugs, I was blessed with it all.

Intuitive Guidance. I could not have accomplished this move without my soul, Flame, and her intuitive guidance. From what to purge, what to pack, and what step to take next, I was lovingly supported the entire moving process. Whenever I was at a choice point, I asked for and received guidance. Brilliant guidance from my soul, and through my intuition. I was always guided to my best and highest good.

Resting and Self-Care. This has been a major theme for me throughout my spiritual awakening. This move showed me that I have learned well. I took care of myself body, mind, heart, and soul. I took rest breaks and set a schedule for hydration. My morning routine helped set me up for success. I made my tea, meditated, and made a substantial breakfast. All of which fueled me and made the move more comfortable, and healthier.

Managing My Emotions. Moving house this time came with all the usual challenges. Miscommunications, accidents, and chaos ensued, but they didn’t consume me. When I felt emotions come up, I asked what it was related to. I sought to understand rather than judge. And then I worked with the energy. Sometimes I needed to feel it to heal it, and other time it just needed to be released. Throughout the move, I was able to manage my emotions. The result was more flow and more inner peace.

Going with the Flow. The intention that kept me going was to go with the flow. When a challenge would pop up, I would set the intention, “I’m going with the flow.” Sometimes it sounded like, “Everything is temporary.” There were more than a few times when I would take a breath, several breaths, and remind myself to flow, and that everything is temporary. It worked, and I was able to get through this move very smoothly.

Keeping it Light. All the purging, packing, and cleaning was an opportunity to listen to music and have a little fun. I put on a playlist, sometimes 70’s music or 80’s music. I sang and danced while working on the move. The dance was subdued to conserve energy, but it still brought levity and sometimes joy. Sometimes it felt like floating through the move rather than uprooting and moving somewhere new.

Gratitude and Blessings. During this move, gratitude came easy. Help moving the mattress and doors being held were answered with gratitude. To the helper directly and for the helper with Spirit. The new place came with many unexpected blessings, including an amazing view and good water pressure. The lightness of gratitude made everything better.

This move was so different than the last move in almost every way. The result was being better organized, well cared for, and flowing with intuitive guidance. The move wasn’t easy, but I was much better prepared, and it all went much more smoothly.

Moving house can be challenging in the best of situations. What I’ve learned from moving both before and after a spiritual awakening, is that we create our experience. Our thoughts and affirmations, our choices and decisions, are how we move through the world. That is our experience.

We can either move through the world in a way that feels heavy and burdensome, or we can go with flow and live through our intuitive guidance. We get to make those choices every single moment. We get to create the world we want to live in.

Wow what a difference a spiritual awakening makes. I was even able to write this blog throughout the move. It was a welcome respite from the busyness of moving house.

Now, please excuse me while I try and get my house in order and calm the chaos of having boxes everywhere and very little in it’s place.

I’m grateful you’re here. I love you.

Be well, beautiful soul,
