Welcome! I write about my spiritual awakening experience and share the wisdom I've gained along the way. New posts every Monday.
Wednesday brought a series of events that included gateways, laser beams, and quantum manifestation.
The blessing of mediumship has returned, again, and I am grateful for the healing it brought.
From being calm in the storm of life, to new awareness, eras ending, and then surprises.
Continue reading "It Was a Busy Week of Spiritual Awakening"
There is no timeframe for fulfilling our purposes, but it does take courage and determination.
Continue reading "Fulfilling Our Soul's Purposes is the Courageous Path"
Late-stage spiritual awakening removes all remaining heavy and dense energies.
The practices I use, when and how to use them, and the language I use.
Continue reading "Spiritual and Practical Tips for Challenging Times"
I can no longer stand by and watch what is happening in America. I must speak out.
Fulfilling a soul’s purpose isn’t always obvious, sometimes it is a surprise.
Continue reading "Soul Purpose Fulfillment and Practicing Faith"
My spiritual foundation is carrying me through.
Continue reading "Growth is Happening. Change is Happening."
I finally understand my recent struggles and return to inner peace.
As I enter this new era of my life, my faith is being tested.
Our spiritual paths, our awakening processes, evolve us into the people our souls were sent here to be.
So much has happened in recent weeks.
Continue reading "Ascensions, Shifts, Karma, Ego Death, Chakra Expansions, and a New Era"
Learning to Flow, Healing, and Why I’m Writing This Series.
We can't control the outcome. We can only control our reaction.
In this new series I will (finally) be sharing my sexual awakening experiences.
Proof that there is no such thing as “perfection” and that authenticity is the path towards clarity and purpose.
Continue reading "An Apology from Spirit and Other Extraordinary Events"
Where do we fit in as a highly sensitive, highly intuitive, spiritual, introvert?
How to start new cycles and phases in your spiritual awakening and in your life.
Continue reading "How to Start When You Don't Know Where to Start"
This week angels gifted me with divination and a beautiful message to share with you.
We can either move through the world in a way that feels heavy and burdensome, or we can go with flow and live through our intuitive guidance.
Continue reading "What its Like to Move House Before and After Spiritual Awakening"
My intuition whispers to me, "better is coming".
Continue reading "Major Cycles are Closing and New Ones are Opening"
No matter what our goal is and what we are trying to manifest, aligning our energies is key.
Continue reading "How to Align Our Energies with Our Manifestation Goals"
A pause, a rest, a break from “doing” so that we can just “be” and see what comes.
Continue reading "Sometimes the Next Right Steps is Nothing"
How softening the energy made the shifting energies easier.
After the recent challenging cycles of change and growth I received a beautiful gift.
Some are more challenging than others, but they all bring exactly what we need.
Continue reading "An Intense Quantum Jump and Deep Cleaning"
What if we are all practicing a form of releasing attachment without realizing it?
Continue reading "A Perspective on Attachment and Practicing Non-Attachment"
It is a beautiful journey of self-discovery, healing, and growth.
Continue reading "How My Spiritual Awakening Has Changed Me."
I am now experiencing multiple quantum jumps in a day and for days in a row.
I experienced another quantum jump that brought very different results and beautiful changes.
And if we do our best to trust and honor the process, we can thrive through it and beyond.
Our vote is an expression of our values and beliefs. With a few questions we can make a choice that is aligned with our spiritual perspective.
Last week was filled with beautiful, magical, and abundant spiritual energy.
Continue reading "Quantum Jumping, Heart Awakening, and More."
Our spiritual awakening, the work that we do for ourselves, benefits us in ways we can’t imagine. Then one day a challenge arises that shows us how we’ve grown.
Continue reading "Practicing Spirituality in the Emergency Room"
What it’s like and how I thrive amid intense change and transformation during spiritual awakening.
Rest, time in nature, and reminders from Spirit have me feeling great again.
Continue reading "Lessons in Emotional Intelligence from Spirit"
I'm feeling burned out spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
Continue reading "Another Week of Crying and Deep Energy Releasing"