This was channeled this morning. May it be of service.
What if the matrix is commercialism?
What if disconnecting from the matrix means to start spending our financial energy locally?
What if disconnecting from the matrix means to start spending our financial energy on small businesses?
What if disconnecting from the matrix means to disconnect from advertising and being led to spend our financial energy on things that someone else says we “need”?
What if we stop spending money on the billionaires’ companies?
What if we invested that energy on the small businesses owned by and employing our neighbors?
What if disconnecting from the matrix meant ignoring false claims and artificial standards of beauty?
What if we choose ourselves over what corporations and advertisers say about us?
What if we believe that we are already beautiful and abundant?
What if we believe that there is no product that will make us happier?
What if we believe that we have everything we need, and that corporations and advertisers are in it to enrich their own bank accounts and aren’t behaving in our best interests?
What if we put all the commercialism energy aside, and act in our own best interests?
What if we believe that simple is better?
What if we put down the fear and lack perception?
What if we believe that we don’t need to spend our financial energy on things that don’t serve our goals and Divine life missions?
What if we believe that we are worthy of peace, love, and kindness?
What if we believe that everyone is worthy of peace, love, and kindness?
What if we believe that we ARE peace, love, and kindness?
We are grateful you’re here.
Be well,