Most mornings and afternoons, I like to sit with myself. Sometimes in mediation, but most of the time I am sitting in power. Downloads, healing, spiritual experiences, and more are part of this time for me. Best of all, I get to be with myself – body, mind, heart, and soul.
Last Wednesday was like any other day, but a little bit better. The astrology was touted as being the most inspirational day of the year. After hearing that, I affirmed that it would be an inspiring day for me.
That simple affirmation may have been the beginning of a series of events that led to a powerful experience. One that feels significant. One that left me asking, “What did I just experience?”
Morning Inspiration.
Wednesday, I sat down with my tea as I do almost every morning. Once I settled in and processed some thought energy, I found peace and calm.
As happens almost every time I am at peace, downloads begin. Then I received a message about a writing project I’ve been working on. It was go time. Yay! It was a project that had been backburnered for a while, and I was excited to receive guidance to start it again.
Grateful for the inspiration, I allowed my soul to guide me step by step through the morning. Some steps were the usual stuff and some were surprising. The result of the inspiration and guidance was creative flow.
Early Afternoon Clarity.
Early in the afternoon, I had a point of clarity. I realized that I had manifested the blessings in my life. There were bits and pieces of my current experience that echoed my earlier dreams and wishes.
The clothes I was wearing, the creative flow of the day, and even the view out the window. I marveled at the accuracy. So much of my current experience has been intentionally manifested with one glaring exception, my current living situation.
A message came to acknowledge my manifesting abilities. I followed the guidance. With intention, I looked around and practiced gratitude for the life I had manifested and my ability to manifest. My practice included the one exception, so spirit and I were aligned.
Late Afternoon Clarity.
Late afternoon came and I started to realize that I was setting new intentions. It felt like I was setting a new course. A little light bulb flashed on, and I consulted my soul, my intuitive wisdom keeper.
I asked, “Are we asking for what we need, want, and desire all over again?” The answer I received quickly and clearly was, “many new cycles are opening”. It was followed up by a twiggle which is an intuitive “yes”. A double confirmation. Many new cycles are opening for me.
That exchange was a key that unlocked gateways. The kind of gateways with big energies and laser beams coming from above like you see in movies.
Evening Gateways and Laser Beams.
That evening, I remember the energies were strong. Big downloads with lots of upgrades. It was all beautiful energy, and then it shifted noticeably.
Bliss. I felt bliss. It felt so good. I dove into it and ate it up as if it was chocolate ice cream. It was bliss! I spent a few minutes in bliss before the energy shifted strongly. I was pulled into an entirely new energy.
Consciousness. Pure awareness. Being aware of awareness. Still a little blissed out, I smiled widely. We spent a few minutes there before the energy shifted strongly and again, I was pulled into a new frequency.
Enlightenment. My first reaction was wonder and then laughter. I laughed out loud at the absurdity of the human experience. It was everything. And nothing. I was light as a feather. It was infinite darkness, and I was the light. I experienced joy and peace all at once.
The energy began to fade. And then I remember hearing my soul say, “It’s full of stars.” I laughed out loud at the classic film reference. And was grounded back into my body.
I shifted into gratitude next. It was fascinating to experience different states of being. Moving through the energies, being pulled through them, knowing them, felt like wisdom. Gratitude came easy to me.
As I continued my gratitude practice, new energies poured in. Big energies. They felt like a storm swirling around me. Like one of those scenes in the movies when the main character has crossed into another dimension and their hair is flying all over but no one else notices.
I felt like I was in a private storm invisible to all others. There was no danger. I was floating in the eye of the storm. Fully loved. Fully supported. Fully protected. Fully guided.
Then from somewhere within me, words came up and out of my mouth. They were affirmations for my current needs, wants, and desires. Most of what I said is lost in brain fog, but I do remember saying:
“Infinite love flows through me. I am love.”
After I said it, a gateway unlocked with loud clunk. And what felt like a huge beam of energy went through me. I could almost see the laser beam of light coming through the atmosphere and into my body. My body arched with energy and then relaxed.
“Infinite wisdom flows through me. I am wisdom.”
Again, the gateway unlocked, and a huge laser beam of light went through me. Again, my body arched and then relaxed.
“Infinite abundance flows through me. I am abundance.”
And again, the gateway, the laser beam, and my body.
After each time I said one of the affirmations, gateways unlocked. And what felt like a huge beam of energy went through me as my body arched with the energy and then relaxed.
Big energies swirled. Words were spoken. Beams of light filled my body. Through it all I was centered and calm in the storm.
As the energy subsided. My eyes popped open, and I knew they were grounding me back into my body. I took a few breaths and then drank an entire glass of water in one go. I was parched from the powerful energies.
It was some of the biggest energy I have ever experienced. I sat for a minute. Feeling more than thinking. I giggled about getting to write about what I had just experienced.
Then a message came. I heard, “quantum manifestation”. I know that there are people who have mastered these energies and can explain them. I am not one of them.
The mind fog began to clear, and my first thought was, “What did I just experience?” It took me a while to find the words. But what I came up with was simple. I experienced blessings upon blessings of infinite love, infinite wisdom, and infinite abundance.
Coming Next Week.
Since I wrote this post I’ve had another quantum manifestation experience. With it came a deepening of my understanding of enlightenment. I will write about that for next Monday, or maybe Friday, I’m not sure yet.
Thank you.
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By reading this post you are witnessing someone fulfilling their purpose. May all your soul’s purposes be fulfilled.
I’m grateful you’re here. I love you.
Be well, beautiful soul,