I trust the Universe to guide my life forward. I allow my intuition to guide me. I am living my life by universal energies. I receive guidance, and I take action in that direction. My ego is ignored and my higher self, in conjunction with the Universe takes the lead, allowing me to relax into the flow of my life.
None of it came naturally to me.
Trust, and faith, have been challenging lessons for me to learn and I’ve been tested frequently during my spiritual awakening. I’ve been called by my Spirit Team to experience and do things that I didn’t know were possible for me. And yet, they were all possible.
It’s taken a great deal of growth to get to the point where I can surrender to the flow of my life and allow the Universe to guide me. “I surrender to the flow of my life” is a mantra I’ve used many times, acknowledging every time I tried to control where my life was going. I had to shift my thinking, mindset, and inner dialogue from someone who steered her career and managed every detail of her life, to letting go and letting it flow.
It wasn’t just surrendering or letting go, I had to learn how to trust. Learn to trust that things would work out, even when I couldn’t see how it would work out. Trust that what I was told was correct and worthy of my trust. One of my favorite phrases used to be, “the proof is in the pudding.” I relied on factual evidence and what I could see with my own eyes.
Over time, and with experience, I started seeing the “proof” in hindsight. And eventually, my Spirit Team began to show me the proof that I didn’t see. They sometimes showed me things that I had learned that didn’t seem possible or important, were in fact both possible and important. I just needed help seeing them and acknowledging my growth.
A few times my Spirit Team said, “There is proof. See the pudding.” It was then that I realized that the proof was there. Many things that I had previously dreamed about I then manifested into reality. The proof was always there, I just chose to see the challenges without acknowledging the learning. Sometimes it just took time, or hindsight, to find perspective, but the proof was always there. I could no longer deny that there wasn’t something amazing happening for me.
Then I changed my mantra, “I have faith and trust in my Spirit Team to guide me forward.” I began to loosen my grip on my life and let go of control a little. I began to consult my intuition and spirit guides while making decisions. Soon after, I began to see patterns in my life that allowed me to recalibrate and return to the flow.
I also found a new understanding of the phrase, “The path of least resistance.” It’s not about the “least resistance”, it’s about the most joy. Trusting the Universe means experiencing more joy. It’s how I know I’m moving in the right direction. The Universe wants us to move towards what makes us happy, towards our joy. It can be challenging these days, joy isn’t always accessible, but it’s made easier by trusting the Universe and allowing it to guide my life.
With all that in mind, I have no idea where my life is taking me. I trust and I make the moves that I am guided to make, and things just sort of work out. It’s a little scary and it’s also quite liberating giving into the flow and trusting that all will work out.
Today’s image was made in Canva.
Be well,