As I Enter This New Era of my Life, my Faith is Being Tested.
Trust has been a part of my path since before I knew I was on a path. In 2019 I was searching for a new career and a new life. I asked friends for input. I sought career coaching. And then I consulted an astrologer.
The astrology reading was life changing for me. Aspects of my life and experiences started to become clear. It resonated deeply. After the reading the astrologer gave me two words “trust” and “write”.
Those two words have been a guiding light throughout my spiritual awakening. They are part of the path to fulfillment of my soul’s purposes. As I began to define this new era I have been guided to, those two words are acutely appropriate.
Joyful and Painful.
My path in recent days has been a blend of joyful and painful. I thought I had fulfilled another of my soul’s purposes. But in the end, I felt lied to and abandoned. The situation had me evaluating my entire life. Including who and what I trust.
My disappointment was overwhelming. What I thought I had manifested turned out to be a lie. My intuition betrayed me. My soul betrayed me. I didn’t know it was possible. I struggled to understand the lesson and the process.
Just when I was at my lowest, my heart space filled with energy. She had something to say. My heart doesn’t speak often, so when she does, I listen.
My full attention went to my heart space, and I focused my awareness to receive her whispers.
In that moment, a rush of memory and awareness came.
My heart and I debated for a few moments. She wanted me to “trust the path”. Part of me didn’t want to trust. I felt the path had betrayed me. Recent illusions had proved very painful. But then, of course, I trusted.
After choosing to trust my heart, blessings came. I heard my soul release karma. Energies that I wasn’t aware of were ready to be removed from my life. The words came from within me, and my soul released karma in an epic rush. It was a gift. A peace offering from my soul, Flame.
I cried and continued to release more energy. As the old heavy, dense energies dissipated. I began the work of returning to inner peace. That work continued for the remainder of the day.
I woke up the next morning still feeling as though I had been lied to, betrayed, and left with nothing. Part of me felt like my spiritual path had been wasted. Another part of me knew that wasn’t true. I am a better version of myself than when I started, that’s not wasted.
For a while I felt like I was right back where I started. Alone, without help, and without trust or faith. It was a painful reminder of my life before my spiritual awakening. And maybe that was the point. A reminder. Maybe it was all just a test. A means to an end. Maybe I’ve misread the entire situation.
My faith was being challenged. I was being offered a choice to trust the path, trust my intuition, again, or to walk away. I chose to trust.
The Challenge.
The most challenging time to trust is when we need to trust the most. It sucks, but from my own experience it is true. When we least want to, is when we most need to. When it hurts the most is when we need to surrender the most.
No matter what comes, I am choosing to trust the process. As per the instructions of my heart. As for my soul, we are repairing our trust and rebuilding our relationship. It is a work in progress.
This new era brings new challenges. New opportunities as well. And I still have work to do to meet my goals. Until they come to fruition, I am choosing to trust and write.
The Image.
The image today is mine. It was taken in Washington Park, Denver, CO on the 29th of December 2024. There are geese in flight and on the water. According to the Spirit of Animals Oracle deck, by Jody Bergsma, geese signify inner knowing.
The card reads, “Goose – Inner Knowing – You are a brave traveler. Your soul knows the way. Be confident you will achieve your destination. Loyal friends are always with you. Don’t worry, you are blessed. Let yourself fly.” That card has been on my altar for weeks.
It’s winter and the geese are migrating. I’ve seen a lot of geese fly by my window. I am choosing to trust my soul. She knows the way.
I’m grateful you’re here. I love you.
Be well, beautiful soul,