Sometimes the Next Right Step is Doing Nothing

Autumn trees and stone steps covered in colorful fallen leaves.

During our spiritual awakenings we will experience many different phases, cycles, and energies. Much of it is about moving forward, growing, and expanding. Sometimes though, it can feel like we aren’t moving forward, and we need a break, a pause.

In as much as we need and want to move forward, it is also important to rest and integrate. Sometimes it’s the rest that manifests integration. And sometimes we need to slow down. Just like our electronic devices need to sit and recharge, so do we.

Spiritual burnout is also a real thing. Our spiritual awakenings can take as much out of us as it gives us. And when it gets exhausting a break, and some rest, is needed. Or we need whatever it takes to remain in alignment and in balance with our body, mind, heart, and soul.

Because our focus is about moving forward it can be challenging to take a break and get the rest we need. It can be hard to say, “Spirit, I need a break.” But sometimes a break is the next right step.

Sometimes the rest can create the energy we need to move us forward along our path. Pausing for a day and allowing ourselves to just be without the pressure of the next cycle of change and growth, can shift our energy in just the right way to catapult us forward.

Some of my greatest leaps forward in my spiritual awakening happened after a rest period. Typically, it is one day, or a half of a day, a pause, a rest. After which I experience big changes and huge steps forward along my spiritual path.

Whether it is our own inner knowing, or our intuition telling us we need a break, it is likely that we are being guided to what we need the most. So, let’s listen to it and follow our knowing, our guidance.

The Benefits of Doing Nothing.

Integration – As we change and grow through our spiritual awakenings, there is both a release of the old and receiving of the new energies. Sometimes though, the new energies need time to integrate. A day spent in our pajamas, on the sofa, or in our favorite place can be what is needed to allow us to fully realize the changes and growth. And sometimes integration means we sleep on it and let the energies do what they need to do. Integration is a passive energy that needs time and space to come to fruition.

Clarity – Our spiritual awakenings can move us forward in surprising ways. We may find ourselves unable to see our way forward. A break, or a pause, can help us receive clarity. We don’t have to do anything other than pause and allow it to come into our awareness. Often clarity comes when we pause from the busyness and seek stillness. We can’t schedule clarity, but we can invite it by providing the space for it to come.

Renewed Energy – We all need a break to recharge our internal batteries, even our electronic devices. If we need to rest and recharge, we need to give ourselves grace and permission to do so. Our spiritual awakenings will not end because we need a rest day. The break may be just what we need to burst forward with renewed energy. We can do what serves us best. There are no hard and fast rules. We are just going with the flow and following our intuition.

Remember, we aren’t stepping off the path, we are merely taking a break to integrate, receive clarity, and renew our energy. And sometimes the next right step is to do nothing. A pause, a rest, a break from “doing” so that we can just “be” and see what comes.

The image in this post is mine. It's not yet fall where I live, but autumn in my favorite season so I'm using this image from last year. 

I am grateful you’re here. I love you.

Be well, beautiful soul,
