Shopping Missions, Growth, and Healing

A brown paper shopping bag and clothing.

You may have noticed that I did not publish a video on my YouTube channel last week. I'm blaming that on Mercury retrograde, which had me reviewing my day, week, and so much more.

Instead of creating content last week, I was sent on spiritual missions. Shopping missions to be precise. Spirit sent me shopping. I’ve been guided to places before, but never shopping. And, as weird as it may sound, they truly helped me grow and heal.

Shopping Missions.

The first mission surprised me. While in meditation one morning Spirit showed me the store, route, and the outfit I was to wear. I didn’t know the purpose, but I trusted the process. I’m glad I did because I was shown my growth.

On Thursdays I usually record, edit, and upload my YouTube videos. But that morning, in meditation, I was sent on a second shopping mission. For that mission, I was being asked to choose between creating and posting a video or the mission. There were many layers of growth and healing for me in that choice and in that mission. And there was more growth and healing to come.

The third mission wasn’t like the others. I chose to go back to the mall the next day to try on the dress that I’d been obsessed with all night. Even though it was my choice, and not technically a mission, the growth was just as powerful so I’m counting it as a mission, albeit unprompted.


Growth and Healing.

Each mission brought new growth, understanding, or a new perspective. Some were obvious and clear, others were subtle. All of it was multilayered and so much more than I care to share in this post. They may have been simple missions, but each reminded me of my growth in various aspects of my life and progress in my manifestations.

Being shown my new and improved inner dialogue as compared to the old was fun and uplifting. Understanding how resilient my energy body has become was surprising and made me feel stronger. Being reminded that I’m worthy of a splurge kind of a dress was a lovely and a reminder to act on self-love as we would any other form of love.

They also reminded me of how much I’ve healed the old wounds of the shadow self. I don’t react the way I used to. I don’t shy away from people, places, and things like I used to. I am stronger now, and more confident. I am less in my head and more in my heart. I respond from a more healed perspective instead of reacting from my wounded self.

In between the missions, there was a lot of old energy released. I was ending many old cycles. I was also blessed with energetic upgrades and large doses of heart healing energy. The shopping missions were far less about the shopping experience and far more about the growth and healing.

There was healing in all of it. I’ve spent so much energy and time doing the work and being devoted to my spiritual awakening, it was easy to push through and miss the progress. But these shopping missions showed me my progress. They reminded me of how far I’ve come in my personal growth and along my spiritual path.

There was so much energy shifting last week. I feel as though my timeline has shifted. I’ve been seeing new and different synchronistic numbers. It was all beautiful and disorienting at the same time.

I reminded myself of the astrology of the week; eclipses, new moons, Mercury retrogrades, Pluto squares; and knew that I was right on schedule and in Divine and perfect time. Which is remarkable as Mercury retrograde has me reviewing and rethinking everything. But then again, that is part of the process.


Today’s image is mine.

I’m grateful you’re here. I love you.

Be well,
