Quantum Jumps and Cherry Picking

An image of dark space dotted with glowing stars.

I may not write about it every week, but I could. The quantum shifts in energy, the quantum jumps and leaps, continue. Often multiple times in a day. And I must say, it’s getting a little exhausting. But recently, I was given some wisdom that helped me soften my energy around the constantly shifting energy that made it a little easier.

One afternoon on my cushion, between quantum jumps, I received a clairvoyant message. I saw a dark sky with puffs of energy, like puffs of clouds strewn across the view. Energy was bouncing in between the puffs. Each time the energy landed on a puff; the puff would glow up. I sat with the image for a moment.

Next, I was provided with, “We are shifting between timelines cherry picking the best of the best of the best.” The clouds represented the timelines, and the glow represented the quantum jumps. I was the energy jumping between the glowing puffs of timelines.

In that moment I knew why it was so exhausting, and why it was worth it. We were moving in and out of timelines just to pick up energy and then move on to the next. Over and over, we were jumping into and out of timelines.

In all those jumps we were/are “cherry picking the best of the best of the best” from each timeline. The best love, wisdom, and abundance are being gathered from all the timelines. We are building my highest and best timeline jump by jump.

It is exhausting moving through timelines so quickly. Even the jumps and shifts that feel good are tiring. The constant energy shifts and subsequent integration is a challenge. But I know it is important to my spiritual growth, and I choose to embrace my transformation and all the experiences.

On my cushion later in the week, I felt us quantum jumping again. This time, with the new awareness I was provided, I managed a smile and asked, “What are we cherry picking this time?” That one simple moment softened the energy in a way that made the jumps, shifts, and integration a little easier.

So, for now, I am going to sit on my cushion and allow the quantum shifts to cherry pick the best of the best of all my timelines to create my best and highest timeline. I am going to trust the process and allow it to take me to a place where all my dreams have come true, and to my next soul purpose.

The image in this post is from Canva. It is similar to what I saw on my cushion that day. Except instead of stars, I saw puffs of energy clouds.

I’m so grateful you’re here. I love you.

Be well, beautiful soul,
