Soul Purpose Fulfillment and Practicing Faith

A drawn image of a woman sitting in meditation on a colorful background.

Monday’s Purpose.

It was a peaceful Monday. I had finished writing early and it posted without glitches. My tea was the perfect temperature, and my breakfast fed my body, mind, heart, and soul. I moved through my morning intuitively and fully guided. It felt like flow, but it wasn’t.

There was something unsettled in my energy. In as much as my inner world is uplifting, my outer world is a disaster. This is a familiar energy, and I knew just how to bring my energies back into balance.

First, I identified what it was. The old fears were back, which were an opportunity to do the work. I acknowledged the situation, removed the emotional response, and followed up with affirmations faith and trust. Lots and lots of faith and trust.

After a while, I felt better. Meaning the emotional charge was neutralized and I desired to see the current situation from a new perspective. I wanted to know if my personal goal was also a purpose. The personal goal that was currently disrupting my life, was the resolution of it also my soul’s purpose.

There is only one way for me to get clarity on my purpose, I ask my soul. Who is better to ask about my purpose than my soul? It is her purpose, and she knows the way. Which means she is our guide. She has the answers.

Whenever I talk to my soul, I start as I would most conversations. I say something like, “Hey, Flame. I have a question.” When I feel or intuit that she is listening, I ask my question.

I asked my soul if my personal goal was also one of our purposes. The answer came swift and clear. Yes. I was relieved. It means we both want the same thing. Spirit, my inner spirit, is on my side. Maybe that seems obvious to you, but to me, in that moment, it that took a weight off my shoulders. 

The fears and doubts of my current situation continued to pop into my awareness. And I continued to move through the energies. Experiencing, expressing, releasing and affirming my faith and trust.

Later in the afternoon, I was guided to my altar. Synchronicities had been flowing as had been the guidance. But, as usual, I did not expect what was coming.

The downloads came immediately, as soon as I sat. Then, big releases of energy. Over and over, I spoke every energy releasing affirmation I have every used. And then spirit released more for me in big pushes of energy.

I sat and allowed the energy to come and go for a while. And then a familiar image popped into my awareness. I almost didn’t believe it and asked my intuition. Was that “trust and write”?

Trust and Write.

For a long time, I marked the beginning of my spiritual awakening as when I had my natal chart read in June 2019. My understanding of the beginning of my awakening has changed since, but the importance of that reading has not.

The astrologer left me with two words, “trust and write”. Yes, I know that’s three words, but two meaningful words. I will never forget the way my body buzzed with energy as I left the reading. I had never felt like that before.

Those two words, “trust” and “write”, became a focus for my life, and an important part of my awakening process. It is partly why this blog exists. Writing about spirituality is one of my soul’s purposes that I get to fulfill each week.

Monday afternoon, while at my altar, exchanging energy with spirit. The image, the words, “trust” and “write”, came into my awareness. And it came in a way that made me take notice. Why was it coming up?

In a rush of energy, I had my answer. Purpose fulfillment. Joy and celebration. By my spirit team, not me. I was confused.

Was “trust”, as in faith and trust, one of my soul’s purposes. I knew that writing was, but it had never occurred to me that “trust” was. Faith and trust, a challenge for me from childhood, was indeed a purpose. And that purpose was deemed fulfilled as I sat at my altar on Monday.

I think the word “gobsmacked” is appropriate to describe how I felt in that moment. Something I didn’t realize was a purpose had been fulfilled, and my soul was celebrating, and I was surprised. Grateful and surprised.

Faith is Practice.

Faith and trust in my path and purpose are frequent affirmations. But only in recent years. I didn’t grow up with faith or trust, or around it, so I didn’t get it. I didn’t understand what people felt or how it worked.

I remember recently, when a situation began to challenge me, I sought to understand faith. I asked to know what it felt like. I asked for guidance on it. Looking back, I’ve spent the past couple of months trying to more deeply understand faith and trust.

It happened over time, I didn’t even realize it, but I began to practice faith and trust. Each time the fears came up, I sat with spirit. Sometimes I would surrender, sometimes I practiced gratitude. I affirmed, prayed, and sometimes all the above.

Monday afternoon, it was a little of everything. Then the awareness came, a purpose had been fulfilled. Somewhere in all of my practices, I learned the lesson of faith.

And now I get to figure out what that means. I’m laughing as I type this because it is one part true and one part impossible. And, in truth, there is nothing to figure out. For me, faith is a practice.

Faith is not something that I can feel, or that comes naturally to me. My faith is practiced. When life is easy, I practice gratitude. When life is challenging, I practice faith and trust. And some days I practice it all.

Sometimes our soul’s purposes are fulfilled without our knowing. By setting our intention to fulfill our soul’s purposes, we are guided there. Each guided step we take is moving us towards fulfillment of our purposes.

Then one day we receive awareness that we have fulfilled a purpose. And just like that we are living a faithful and purposeful life.

The image is from Canva.

I’m grateful you’re here. I love you.

Be well, beautiful soul,
