Quantum Healing and Being in the Vortex

A line drawn head of a woman. Her face is turned up to the butterfly on her nose.

Discovering New Energies and Renewed Focus.

The energy around me, and within me, has been shifting very quickly in recent months. And now that my ego has been managed, my energy is shifting again. A few snowy and freezing days allowed me to rest and integrate. Then the changes and blessings began to flow in.

I didn’t understand the new frequency at first. It felt strange and so did I. My energy was unfamiliar. I sat and spoke with my soul and relied on her for guidance.

I asked what the energy was. No answer meant I wasn’t to know…yet. I accepted and put my full faith and trust in the process. A while later, some other energies came up and I went straight to my altar. Once there, I let the energy flow.

After some embodied manifesting slash illusion energy work, I received clarity. What had eluded me for so long was finally coming into focus. My people were coming into focus.

My people, my tribe, people that resonate with me were something I had been asking Spirit about for months. When I was deconstructing ego, the subject of “my people” came up a few times.

“Where are the people sent to love me? Where are the people who you promised were going to help me on the next phase of my path?” I asked Spirit. No, I didn’t ask. It is more accurate to say that I screamed at Spirit. Like I said, I was deconstructing the ego.

This week, I began to see “my people”. I came into contact with a few people that resonated with me and/or inspired me. A closer look showed me the commonalities and what drew me to them. It was then that I knew what I needed from the people around me.

Once I knew that, I began to see that there were people like that in the world. And when I compared that to something like my YouTube subscriptions, or social media feed, it all started to make sense. Now I know who my people are, my mutuals, like-minded people.

That realization seemed to open a doorway. I was able to look back at my process with clarity. I couldn’t see my people before because I wasn’t yet aligned with them. I was reaching too far forward.

My screams for people were coming from ego, not from resonance. And once resonance was achieved, everything started to shift for me. New awareness began to pour in.

The strange and unfamiliar energy that I had been experiencing was “quantum healing”. Those are the words that spirit sent to me. I had to google it because it was unfamiliar to me. Dr. Joe Dispenza came up and I clicked on a video.

I found resonance with his words as he described what happens to women who live alone and how their brains and bodies change. Yep, that’s me. The similarities were remarkable.

We used different words, but we are describing the same processes. Dr. Dispenza describes the scientific and physiological. In my writing, I describe the spiritual process. But they have the same markers and the same result.

And then Spirit sent me the word “vortex”. I was in the vortex. I’m new to the vortex, so all I can do is describe my experience. The vortex is a remarkable frequency.

I can now shift my energy almost at will. When I feel energies come up to be processed, I can do that in moments. And I can feel the energies shifting within me as I do it. I feel everything and move through it with precision.

When emotional energy comes up, I feel it. I connect with it and process it and then I release it. The energy releases instantaneously. The relief is immediate. It all happens so fast now. I surprised myself the first time I noticed it. And now, just days later, it feels so natural.

But with all these blessings comes great responsibility. For me that means I am responsible for maintaining my vibration and whatever it takes to maintain it. It means awareness of my needs and ensuring they are met. It means that I must be careful with my words and intentions. It also means that fulfilling my soul’s purposes are my #1 priority.

This is the formula for navigating this new energy. This is what I know to do and what I’ve been guided to do. And that is how I am moving forward. That and working in the vortex, with my soul, manifesting my next purpose fulfillment.


The image in this post was made in Canva.

I’m grateful you’re here. I love you.

Be well, beautiful soul.
