My Breast Cancer Journey - Part 19

It's Time to Move on. 

I didn't know what to write about this week. Last night I thought about it and still this morning I thought about it. Nothing was coming, I had little to say about my healing. 

Then, this morning, my computer decided to make things challenging and I had more time to think about what I was going to write. When I finally got my computer up and running, I knew exactly what to write about, it's time to move on. 

Is my body completely healed? No, and it probably won't be healed for many months. 

Do I still have doctor's appointments, therapy appointments, and on-going testing? Yes. 

Am I ready to move into another phase of healing and growth? YES!

Healing is Slow. 

The last few days have been hard, and my body reminded me that the radiation remains in my body for 4-6 weeks after treatment ends. My skin is still all kinds of messed up, but there are also signs that it is healing. Either way, I'm doing well. 

Healing will take time and I have no desire to blog about the tiny increments of healing. I am feeling the pull towards work, and I can work slowly but surely. Some days, I don't feel like working at all. Other days, I can work in the morning for a few hours. So, I'm going to do what I can to move forward. 

My Tarot Spread this Morning. 

I pull tarot cards when I have questions for the Universe, my spirit guides, my angels, and ancestors. Today, for my question, I asked for any messages that they have for me.

This is what I pulled: 

The Star - A reprieve after turmoil, hope and faith, anything is possible. 

Six of Swords - A transition, let go of what is holding you back, look forward. 

The Empress -  Feminine energy, a period of growth and abundance, pregnancy and birth. 

Queen of Pentacles - Working and nurturing. 

On the bottom of the deck, Ten of Pentacles - Completion, financial abundance, creating a lasting foundation. 

All of this tells me, it's time to move on. It's a time of transition, growth, work, and abundance. 

A big thank you to Biddy Tarot (link to website here) for help with the tarot descriptions.


This post is number 19 in my cancer journey.  The number 19 is a message that says, "your goal has almost come to completion...your angels ask that you remain positive throughout these transitions and look forward to wonderful new beginnings". 

See! I told you that it's time for me to move on! 

Moving Forward, What Does this Mean? 

It means that going forward, my blog posts will be about spirituality and life on a spiritual path. I will provide updates regarding my health status from time to time but it will not be the focus of this blog going forward. 

I am so grateful for you being here and with me on my breast cancer journey. It helped me to have you reading and being with me on the journey. I have been blessed by your presence. 

It's not over, I'm just moving towards new beginnings.  

Be well,
