In last Monday’s post, I wrote about the rollercoaster of spiritual awakening that has been my recent experience. But there was one thing I left out, mediumship has returned.
Of all the things that have been happening for me the mediumship I experienced last week seemed the least of it. But this week, I have experienced it again, and now I am being called to write about it.
Last week, my grandma came to me in mediumship. I felt her presence. We connected in the usual way with our shared indicators. We laughed together with our favorite memories. It was beautiful and I felt deeply loved.
Then she reached back, took the hand of someone, and brought them into my awareness. When they came into focus, I saw it was my grandpa. With that awareness, we immediately began sharing memories.
I remembered the time I took his dinner to him in the field he was harvesting when I was a little girl. I remembered how the stubble of the freshly harvested wheat scratched my ankles. I remembered using the sink after he had shaved and discovering that his beard was bright red, even though his hair was ash colored.
This was the first time I had connected with my grandpa in mediumship. In his life I knew him to be stoic, and I don’t remember ever hearing him laugh. But in this moment of mediumship, I felt his love. It was – it is – a blessing.
The moment was beautiful and fulfilling, and I continued my rollercoaster of a week. I didn’t expect anything more and had no attachment to any outcome. I just kept going. And then it happened again.
Olga and Isidro.
I was out on a walk last Tuesday. George Michael was playing loudly in my ears. My back was to the wind as I started walking up a hill, and then I received the energy. I heard nothing else but the words.
“I’m sorry.” It was Olga. I knew it was her immediately and I knew what she was apologizing for. We had a short conversation. I know she’s sorry, but she doesn’t have to be. I told her that and felt her love in return.
Then she reached back and brought Isidro with her into my awareness. I hadn’t connected with Isidro in life, but he was there in mediumship. No doubt watching over me. I felt his love too.
In the flow of the energies, I asked them for help with something I’ve been trying to manifest for a long time. It must have come from my soul, because it wasn’t from my thoughts or ego. It just came out of my awareness and was asked.
I felt Olga and Isidro’s love and before I reached the top of the hill, they were gone. Their love carried me the rest of the way on my walk.
Expansion of Mediumship.
Mediumship has returned, again. This time it has expanded. In the past week, two additional souls have come to me. It’s time for me to admit to myself that mediumship is expanding for me.
Throughout my spiritual awakening mediumship has come and gone. Each time it comes to me it brings profound healing. The two souls that have joined me recently in mediumship, Grandpa and Isidro, brought their love. And that was healing me – body, mind, heart, and soul.
Monday’s Blog Post.
After healing in mediumship, I had the most amazing experience that included gateways, laser beams, and blessings. I’m writing about it for the Monday post.
Remember to bookmark the main blog page, linked here, and come back to read all about it.
I’m grateful you’re here. I love you.
Be well, beautiful soul.