Major Cycles are Closing and New Ones are Opening

A line drawing of a woman sitting on a crescent moon. The moon is filled with celestial images.

I can feel the shifts. Major cycles are closing, and new ones are opening. My Spirit team has sent me signals and synchronistic messages telling me so. Thirty-year cycles are ending. The full moon and eclipse are happening in my 1st house and on my Aries Sun.

I let the old go and surrender to the inflows and outflows. My intuition guides me through releasing what is ready to go, and in that, I receive hints of what is to come.

As the old cycles close, energies, people, places, and things are being purged. Space is being prepared for new energies, people, places, and things. And I am preparing to move house.

Material things are being purged. The things that served me in the past no longer serve a purpose in my life now. As I take them for donation, I know they will serve a purpose for others and send them off with love.

My intuition whispers to me, “better is coming”. I surrender to the flow, both out and in. I find peace in knowing that everything is temporary. I find peace in the love, support, protection, and guidance by angels, my spirit team, and universal energies.

I am between major cycles. The past is not yet fully out of my life, and the new isn’t yet fully here. In the past that felt awkward, but now I welcome it. (I wrote about it in this post from December 2022, titled In the In Between.) I know that my life is about to change in ways that align with my body, mind, heart, and soul.

I open to receive the new energies, people, places, and things. I welcome life’s new major cycles. I am grateful for the new love, wisdom, and abundance entering my life.

For now, please excuse me, I must continue to pack up to move house.

I’m grateful you’re here. I love you.

Be well, beautiful soul,
