Being the Calm in the Storm.
Life brings challenges. There are ups and downs. And, as a spiritual person, I try to move through life’s challenges with ease and grace. But lately, my life has been more challenging than I could have ever imagined.
One evening recently, I was trying to meditate but my mind was spinning. I stared out the window and all I saw were challenges, hardships, and abuse. My sensitivities were overwhelmed, and I retreated into myself and my practices for relief.
As I breathed through the overwhelming emotions, I heard one thing “be the calm in the storm”. I began repeating, “I am the calm in the storm”. My breathing synched with the affirmation. “I am the calm in the storm.”
Then, I became the calm in the storm. I felt each aspect of myself – body, mind, heart, soul – come together and return to calm. Each part of me understood the assignment and together we became calm in the storm of life.
My body calmed and returned to stillness. The words zooming around my head stopped. My heart became peaceful. My soul found her peace. In moments we had moved from anxiety to calm with one intention, to be the calm in the storm of our life.
As I watched the chaos outside of me, I was able to be within myself, connected with myself. A deep connection, inner alignment. Body, mind, heart, and soul united in purpose. Being calm within the storm of life.
Then I felt it from another perspective. In that moment, it felt like a superpower. To be able to witness the chaos without getting sucked into the undertow of negativity, felt powerful.
I felt calm and powerful.
From Calm to Awareness.
Still in meditation and from the energy of calm and centeredness, I received new awareness about my current life situation. Big energies and downloads came with lots of body movements. And then I received clarity.
What I heard shifted my perspective, and I knew eclipse energy was working on my life.
“It’s gone too far. We are getting you out.”
I almost didn’t believe what I heard intuitively, clairaudiently. After some conversation with my soul, and after confirmation, I knew who the message came from and what they meant.
My situation is changing again - Divine intervention. Universal energies are helping us move forward. My life situation, and the current challenges, aren’t serving my spiritual path. We are moving on. And then more clarity came.
The Old Era has Ended.
The old era has ended. I’ve received that message before, but this time the energy was different. It was the energy of completion, detachment. The old era has ended, and my spirit team is helping me move into the new era.
I am perceiving a mismatch between what I’ve been guided to and what I had been manifesting. That sounds weird because I believe in the flow and that things work out how they should, but not this time. My spirit team is serious about changing things for me, and I am grateful.
I don’t know what it all entails, but we have been moving quickly. I am experiencing more rounds of late stage awakening clearing of the old energies. In recent months, we’ve cleared old fears and rage, but other energies are clearing now.
Old, stored energies of hopelessness and despair have been clearing. My first chakra and spine have been healing. I am growing spiritually and emotionally through the challenges.
In my desire to keep moving forward and as quickly as possible, I asked how I could co-create. I was told that there was nothing for me to do. “Nothing.” That they, my entire spirit team, are doing it for me. The new era is being delivered.
This past week brought a rollercoaster of emotions, inner work, peace, and calm. Even so, there was a part of me that didn’t trust the guidance that got me into this situation to guide me out of it. We worked through those energies too.
As the days progressed, we worked through a lot of old energy. It came up, I processed it and then released it - over and over again. The late stage awakening process of clearing out all the old junky energy is serious work. And as the old energies come up, my internal world feels it.
My body feels the area the old energies were stored in, and it begins healing. My mind thinks and spins with the old energy but then finds calm again. My heart aches for what it needs and then remembers what it has. My soul knows the path and holds us all together as she received upgrades.
Through all the internal and external chaos, I am still moving forward in alignment. I am being the calm in the storm.
I am allowing my spirit team to correct my current life situation. And I am practicing faith and trust by being patient and following guidance. I am surrendering to my path, awakening process, and to the infinite possibilities for my life.
And Then a Surprise.
I hadn’t felt well all day. Fatigue from both my spiritual and material lives had taken hold. Much of the day was spent either moving through old emotional energies or resting.
My affirmation for this phase was to move through the energy. Go with the flow. Be calm in the storm.
By the end of the day, I was finding my way back to inner peace. The soul realm visited. Downloads came. Kundalini healing flowed. And then a surprise.
The details began to flash through my mind visually. My unwellness had been spiritual flu, ascension symptoms. (Which is the topic one of my most read posts which you can read here.) The soul realm brought updates, and downloads brought upgrades.
The result of all of it was ascension, an expansion of my capacity to hold the light. They are always a surprise, but this one especially so. Life has been so challenging, and ascension wasn’t on my radar.
In hindsight though it makes sense that one of the most challenging periods in my life would bring blessings. That’s how spiritual awakening works sometimes. We learn and grow through change and pressure.
I know my spirit team has a plan, my soul has a plan, for me. And for now, I am accepting the current situation, surrendering to what spirit has for me, and following guidance to get me there.
I’m grateful you’re here. I love you.
Be well, beautiful soul,