I am a Liberal.

American flag imagery on a while background with text that reads: I am a Liberal.

I can no Longer Stand by and Watch What is Happening in America. I Must Speak Out.

The other day I was on Facebook. It’s not my favorite place to be these days, but amongst the detritus there are some blessings of inspiration, light, and love. I found inspiration recently, in the form of a letter.

The letter was written by Gallagher Witt. It is titled, “An open letter to friends and family who are/were shocked to discover I’m a liberal.” It was published on January 7th, 2018. You can read their letter on Tumblr here. It inspired me to action.

I can no longer stand by and watch what is happening in America. I must speak out. I cannot just sit and watch the minority of people direct the narrative and try to tell me what I believe. Feel free to have any opinion of me you want, but your opinion is not who I am.

In recent months people like me have been called many names. Demons, traitors, insane and all sorts of derogatory expressions. Mostly in the form of insults to liberality. Name calling can’t and won’t hurt me, but the dividing of our country is painful.

Too many in our country believe we are divided, perceive us as divided. Right vs Left. Blue vs Red. Those labels are a means to separate people. They “other” people, because it is easier to hurt “others”. But those labels only work if we let them. And I refuse to let them.

My value is not determined by anyone else. It is time for me to speak about what my values are. It is time for me to take back the narrative about what I believe in.

I am a Liberal.

Let’s start with my overall view on life. It can be distilled into three words – love, wisdom, abundance. Those three words are how I guide my life. They inform everything I do, including my politics.

In almost every election since I was eighteen years old, I have voted for a democrat. My family didn’t discuss politics, so I didn’t grow up with a default perspective. My social and political views grew from my own research, thought, and awareness.

Love, wisdom, and abundance are why I am a liberal.

Care of The Collective.

I believe that we as a country have an obligation to take care of all individuals within the country. It means that we, one of the wealthiest nations in the world, can and should take care of all who call it home.

America has the material abundance to provide for everyone within its borders. Easily. Our country is wealthy and can provide for least among us. Provide for us not only to survive, but to thrive. We deserve the best our country can provide.

Whether we are old, young, able to care for ourselves or not, all of us deserve love, support, protection, and guidance. No matter what our abilities are, we should be cared for and provided for.

Our elderly, our sick, and those with no opportunity to improve their situations, should be provided for. Unhoused people should be provided with housing. Those who seek mental wellness should be provided with care and support.

Working class, artists, creators, all people deserve a living wage. We deserve affordable housing. We all deserve food in our pantries and on our plates. We deserve free public transportation. We deserve heat during cold winters, and cooling during hot summers.

Workers deserve to be treated humanely. We are not a burden. We are the people that make this country run, materially and financially. We deserve to be protected from corporate greed and malfeasance. And we deserve to live the life we want to live. All of us.

Healthcare is a Human Right.

I believe healthcare is a human right. When looked at from the perspective of love, wisdom, abundance, America’s for-profit healthcare system fails. I support universal healthcare.

Whether we are healthy or unwell, rich or poor, everyone deserves affordable and accessible healthcare, wellness care, and a chance at our healthiest life.

Access to all forms of healthcare should be decided by patients and doctors, not insurance companies, and certainly not politicians.

Human lives should always come before profit. The health of every individual in this country should never be capitalized or monetized. Healthcare should be affordable and accessible to all.

Education for All.

I believe in educating everyone who wants to be educated. All members of our society deserve to be educated to the level of their choosing. We don’t all need higher education. But we all need opportunities to learn and grow.

Children should have access to education that teaches them history, math, sciences, life skills, and critical thinking. Everyone should have access to everything they need while in school; books, meals, and all the supplies that American teachers usually pay for from their own income.

Everyone who lives in America deserves to be educated. Our country deserves all of its inhabitants to be educated. We deserve to pursue education and higher learning in any way we choose. Education is a human right, not a privilege for those who can afford it.

Paying Taxes is Patriotic.

I believe that paying taxes to provide for our country and everyone in it is a patriotic act. For too long, the working class has been asked to pay taxes while wealthy people and corporations do not. It is time they paid their fair share.

A corporation paying zero taxes versus the working-class person paying approximately 20% is immoral. Because our system of taxes is based on income, most wealthy people pay little or nothing. There is no reason for this other than the status quo.

It is long past time for corporations and the wealthy to pay their taxes, just like the rest of us.

Separation of Church and State.

I believe in the separation of church and state. It is in our constitution. My ancestors came here for religious freedom. I believe that no religion, no spiritual tradition, or spiritual belief system should be mandated by our government or governmental institutions.

I am spiritual. I have my own relationship with spirit. I want to practice my way, and I believe every American should be able to believe and practice their way.

Keep religion out of our government.

Human Rights.

I believe in human rights for all humans. Women’s rights are human rights. LGBTQIA+ rights are human rights. Children’s rights are human rights. Disabled rights are human rights.

We all deserve human rights. Not more rights, just equal.

Some of these rights are laid out in our constitution and some are not yet recognized. All humans deserve to have their human rights upheld and honored.

Immigrants’ Rights.

I believe in immigrants. Unless you are indigenous, unless you were born native-American, you are an immigrant. We, most of us in America, are immigrants or are born from immigrants.

My ancestors came here as immigrants many generations ago. Some of my family members now are either first- or second-generation immigrants. Some have been documented and some have not. I know the struggle that immigrants face in this country.

The majority of immigrants work hard to build a life and take care of their families. The undocumented in this country do not receive the benefits that their taxes pay for. They don’t qualify. But yet, they still work every day to build wealth for this country.

America owes them a path to citizenship, a chance to continue their efforts. And a chance to reap what they’ve sown for our country.

End Racism.

I believe that systemic racism is a serious problem that is becoming worse. There is never a reason to discriminate on the basis of race. Never.

The human race is one race. We are one. Any perception that we are different is an illusion based on fear. We are all human.

It is time to reconcile with our country’s history of racism. It is time to re-write laws and time for reparations for the generations of harm we as a country have done to people of color. It is time for our country to grow up, do some inner work, and make change for people of color.

End Misogyny.

I believe that women deserve equal rights and protections. Again, women’s rights are human rights. Every single person on this planet came from a woman. Anything less than full and equal human rights is unacceptable.

My health was saved by an abortion after having a miscarriage. I will fight for women’s rights to healthcare until the day I die.

Current efforts to remove a woman’s right to vote are immoral. Removing women’s healthcare is immoral. We must protect women, all womxn.

Science is Real.

I believe in science. I believe in research. I support vaccines. Vaccines work. We are currently facing multiple outbreaks of diseases. Some are preventable with vaccines and others are newer and more threatening.

Let scientists work and provide proven solutions to the challenges we as humans face. Expand scientific research and allow it to inform our people, and our policies. Bring back the Centers for Disease Control, now.

One Planet.

I believe in climate change and environmental protections. We have one planet, and it deserves protection from those who seek to do it harm.

There are many things that as individuals we can do to protect the environment. Reduce, reuse, recycle, repair, repurpose, recycle are just some of the ways. I believe in doing what we can and what is available to us as individuals.

I believe in using science and the wisdom of indigenous peoples to create a sustainable life for all of us on earth.

I also believe that corporations should do their fair share. Reduce single-use plastics. Reduce toxic chemicals. Reduce the impact on the environment. Reduce water usage. Reduce harm.

We can do better, and we need to do better now. Green and sustainable options are available and in use all over the planet. It is time for America to get on board.

Regulation is Protection.

I believe in regulation. We don’t need everything to be regulated, but as long as corporations and individuals seek to harm Americans, we need to be protected. Regulations protect the American people from corporate harm.

Regulations ensure that corporations trying to cut corners and operate outside of the law are held accountable. That, if harmed, we the people have a way to seek recompense to mitigate the harm.

Regulations ensure compliance with our laws, and the health and safety of Americans. Dismantling of regulations only helps those who seek to harm.

Democracy over Fascism.

I believe in democracy, and I reject fascism. I believe in a form of governance by the people for the people. I believe in majority rule. I believe everyone should have the right to vote and we should take that right seriously.

When I was in grade school, they taught civic and social studies. We learned about forms of government, and tariffs. We learned about the importance of voting. I believe these lessons should still be taught. I believe we are seeing evidence of what happens when it is no longer taught.

We are One.

We are a collective we call human beings. We are a collective we call the United States of America. Some will try to convince us of the illusion that we are divided and separated. Don’t believe it.

Some people try to divide and conquer, but liberals work for the good of all. Liberals work for the collective. Liberals work to protect the right to free speech even for those who spew hate at us.

My faith tells me that all are one. My soul’s purpose tells me to work and fight for the collective and to write about spirituality. Love, wisdom, and abundance are what guide me. A world built on love, wisdom, and abundance is my desire and what I work towards.

I am a liberal. This is what I believe in, and this is what I am fighting for. When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes a duty. I resist.

The image was made in Canva. I intentionally used imagery of the American flag. I believe liberals are patriots.

I’m grateful you’re here. I love you.

Be well, beautiful soul,
