How to Align Our Energies with Our Manifestation Goals

Two hands, palms upright, holding a small gift in them.

This week was one of those weeks when I had no idea what to write about. When that happens, I ask Spirit, “What do we want to co-create? What do our readers need to read?” Then, as I wait for guidance, I say, “I’m grateful to co-create our blog with Spirit.”

I woke up Friday morning and received this post as I sat in meditation. Two days later, as I was editing it, I realized that this message was also intended for me, a manifestation.

Aligning With Our Manifestation Goals.

When we align our thoughts, emotions, and actions with our goal, we will manifest it. That’s what we’re told and that’s what many of us practice. But in my experience, it’s not just what we live on the surface, it is our internal life that is key to manifestation.

It’s likely that our current lives don’t align with what we want to manifest. That’s why we are trying to manifest a new experience. Which means we have a disconnect between what we have and what we want in our lives.

Our thoughts, emotions, and actions are what manifests for us. We don’t have to be in the ideal situation currently to manifest everything we want in life. We can focus our inner world on our manifestations while our outer world, jobs, families, pets, continues. We can do both.

In the U.S. there is a saying that goes, “fake it until you make it”. It’s about faking the thing until you become the thing. That’s an option, but it isn’t what I’m describing here. We must actually FEEL the energy, EMBODY the energy, and TAKE ACTION. We’re not faking it; we are manifesting our goals.

How to Align Our Energy with Our Manifestation Goals.

There are three energies that I focus on to manifest something into my life: thoughts, emotions, and actions. When all are focused on our goal, manifestation seems inevitable.

And it’s not just that we are thinking about what we want to have, do, or be. It’s more about aligning our thoughts, emotions, and actions as if we already have it. Whatever the goal requires, or inspires, is what we can focus our thoughts, emotions, and actions on to bring to fruition.

Our thoughts are that we already have what we want to manifest. We are grateful for receiving our manifestation. We know we are qualified and worthy of this manifestation. Every time we think about achieving our goal, we think positively about it.

What thoughts do you have about your goal?

Our emotions are the emotions of already having it, living it, being it. We feel it as if it is ours. We feel happy and grateful. Or we may feel excited and exhilarated. We may feel love for ourselves, feel very blessed, or relieved.

What do you feel about achieving your goal?

Our actions are of us already having manifested it. We may know what action to take. If not, we can ask for guidance. We can allow ourselves to receive guidance or we can make our own path and check in with our intuition to confirm if it is in alignment with our goal.

What actions can you take that are aligned with your goal?

For example, when we are manifesting a new job or life situation, we need to be in the energy of someone who has already received that new job or life situation. We can tap into the energy, the confidence and self-assuredness as if it is already ours. And if that energy isn’t yet available to us, we can ask to manifest it.

When we are manifesting new love, we need to feel the emotion of being in love. We can spend time with our new love. We can feel their love, feel loved. We can connect with the energy of love. We can send them love and light just as we would if we knew them. Being in the energy of love will manifest more love.

We Believe it. We Feel it. We are it.

Our thoughts and affirmations are as if we have already received our manifestation. We feel as if it is already ours. We make choices and decisions as if we already have manifested it into our reality. That’s what it means to align with the energy of our manifestation.

Whenever it feels challenging to embody the energies to manifest our goals, we can ask for help. Our Spirit Team, no matter what or who we believe in, are ready to help us. We can ask, or pray, for detailed and specific help that ties in with what we are trying to manifest.

All that said, it is an inside job. Our inner dialogue, our energy, and what we do in private can be entirely aligned with what we desire to manifest. Our inner world can be manifesting anything, anytime, and in multiple ways without anyone knowing.

Aligning with Gratitude.

Why wait until we have already manifested our goal into reality to express gratitude? We can express our gratitude for the process of manifesting, being supported by our Spirit Team to manifest it, for receiving our manifestation, or for being loved and guided to our manifestations.

We can be grateful, not only for what we currently have, but also for our manifestation as if we have already manifested it. We can align our energy with what we are manifesting and be grateful to have received it, before we have received it. That is the alignment with our manifestation that ensures it will happen for us.

We know that gratitude is a powerful energy. It can make things happen for us, and that includes our manifestations. And by being grateful for our manifestations as if they have already in our lives superpowers our ability to receive.

Aligning Our Energies is Key. 

There is such a thing as instant manifestations, but most are a long game. We may want to support ourselves with journals, vision boards, or whatever serves us best. When our faith and trust in the process waivers, we can ask for Spiritual support.

No matter what our goal is and what we are trying to manifest, aligning our energies is key. Our thoughts, emotions, and actions can and should be leveraged to help us. We are manifesting our life, so why not focus and manifest our goals, dreams, and wishes too.

The image used in this post is from Canva.

I’m grateful you’re here. I love you.

Be well, beautiful soul,
