Fulfilling Our Soul’s Purposes is the Courageous Path

An artist's rendering of a tree with two arms and hands being the trunk of the tree.

There is no timeframe for fulfilling our purpose. If you feel too old, or if you feel it is too late, it’s not. Our purposes have no time frame. Sometimes we have already completed purposes that we didn’t know were ours to fulfill. And sometimes they begin to unfold when we begin the search for purpose.

Once we begin to search for purpose in our lives, our purpose begins to search for us and things begin to align. But even so, seeking for and living our soul’s purposes takes courage and determination. It can be challenging to move away from the life we know to manifest our life of purpose.

Most souls have multiple purposes. Some we live every day, and some come to light when we are ready for them. Some purposes are lived in the normal course of our lives, and some require our life to change completely.

That daydream we’ve had for years. The one that seems impossible so we just keep going to work every day hoping that one day we can do that thing that we daydream about. That is likely a purpose that our soul is reminding us to fulfill.

Our purposes begin with our soul. It is their purpose to fulfill. It is what our soul, our inner Divinity, our inner light, was sent here to do. And, in my experience our connection with our soul is the path to fulfilling our purposes.

Connecting with our soul means that we can stop searching and start making moves that are aligned with our soul and purposes. Through our intuition, our soul’s language, we are guided to the energies, people, places, and things that are part of fulfilling our soul’s purposes.

Some steps towards fulfillment of our purpose are easy, and some we may not even realize are steps. But sometimes our path towards fulfillment requires large leaps of faith, or big investments in resources. It can take courage to continue on the path when it requires so much of us.

It takes courage to choose a path that is different from the one we are currently on. Imagining a life other than our current one, or outside of familial and societal norms, is courageous. And while we are moving step by step towards fulfillment of our purposes, courage can waiver. That’s when we need to be determined.

Determination can help us through the challenges, as can our spiritual path and practices. When the next step is not as clear or requires trust and faith, our ability to keep moving forward can be what gets us through. Even when, perhaps especially when, we experience challenges.

Remember that what we seek, seeks us. When we are seeking purpose, our purpose is seeking us. By continuing to seek it, ask for it, and talk to our spirit team or soul about it, it will come to fruition. Our purpose, all of our purposes, will find us.

When we are connected with our soul, it will guide us and align us with our purposes. Even when our lives are changing and seemingly going off in a direction we don’t understand, we are likely being walked towards the purpose we seek most.

No matter what the path looks like, it is never too late. Our purposes are Divinely guided by our own inner Divinity. There is no timeframe on purpose fulfillment, and with courage and determination we can live a purposeful life.

To learn more about finding your soul’s purposes, I have a blog series for that.

To learn more about connecting with your soul, click here, for a more detailed post.

I’m grateful you’re here. I love you.

Be well, beautiful soul,
