Emerging and Receiving Quantum Healing

My hands on my chest in gratitude.

Note: I wrote this before the channeled message I posted last Friday: A Channeled Message for the Collective. In some ways the two posts are related.

Finally, after urging my soul to guide us forward and getting nowhere, I had to get out. I wanted to get out of the house. I wanted to move my body. I even wanted to be around people. Which, as a highly sensitive introvert is remarkable.

A cycle of going deep inward and honoring my need to be alone had left me in need of fresh air. After practicing patience, the opportunities to get out and about began to arrive.

First, a hair appointment. Which is one of my favorite ways to connect with people and refresh myself. With the magic of my stylist’s gifts, I felt renewed and ready to get back into the world.

The second opportunity to get out and move and be around people, was the next day. A political protest on the steps of the Colorado state capital. There were thousands of people there. Many perspectives, and all for the common good. I didn’t have a sign, but I did bring my voice, and I used it. And it felt good.

Back at home and while making some tea, I felt my soul doing her happy dance. Even though we were tired from the protest, my soul was happy. An inner team meeting revealed that the day had fulfilled me in ways that were surprising.

Body – was depleted but happy.

Mind – gave two thumbs up.

Heart – had big hugs for all the shared smiles, shared purposes, and chats with likeminded people at the protest.

Soul – was fulfilled after releasing both past and current rage.

Gratitude and self-care took priority, but I knew I needed to acknowledge this energy. After dodging a couple of low vibe situations, I made it to my sanctuary.

My body relaxed as we sat, but my attention went immediately to a card. Hawk – Messenger. From the Spirit of the Animals oracle deck by Jody Bergsma. A message from spirit is on the way.

Then I remembered something that happened at the protest. A hawk flew around and around for two or three minutes over the protestors. I watched it until it flew away from my view. It was extraordinary.

At my altar with the hawk card and the memory of the hawk at the protest, the message from spirit was coming now. The sun flashed in my eyes. The opportunity to relax my body was irresistible. After lying down the energy began to flow into me immediately.

I heard a beautiful whisper, “quantum healing”.

My hands instinctively went to my hips. Both energy and awareness came for hips and then lower spine. After just a few moments, my hands went to my chest. Energy and awareness came for lungs. I was receiving quantum healing.

I rested and enjoyed how well my body felt. How well I felt. After walking and moving through the crowd of marchers and protesters, my hips and lower back ached. The windy dusty day had inspired my asthma to flare. A few moments of quantum healing felt like bliss.

I don’t know what to make of quantum healing. Part of my mind is trying to figure it out, but my soul is happy to surrender to the flow. And I am holding faith and trust.

The image in this post is mine and is of me.

I’m grateful you’re here. I love you.

Be well, beautiful soul,
