Divining in Dirty Windows

A sharply angled picture of the tops of my dirty windows.

About last week, that is all true and I am exhausted from the chaos and busyness of it all. And by Wednesday of this week, I was tired to the point of crying. I did the only thing I know to do, I surrendered to my soul and my spirit team.

A short while later, I received guidance to lie down on the sofa. I was shown the exact position, and I aligned with it exactly. My body melted into the sofa. The fatigue eased. My tears and gratitude flowed.

When my eyes opened, I was looking at the very top of the sun-filled living room windows. First, I noticed the big, rounded streaks of dirt left by the cleaners. The balcony overhang made a dark background that helped the dirty windows glow. But then my awareness softened, and I saw an animal shape.

We started divining, and more animal shapes appeared in those dirty streaks. I called them out, or asked when I didn’t understand what I was seeing. We calibrated my awareness. And then a message began to form.

Angel wings. Angels. One angel with a child in their arms. Through a series of morphing visuals, the child grew. I called out, “Young child. Older child” I could tell that they were growing in appearance and also in the activities they were engaged in. A child playing with toys. A child in school.

The visions progressed through this child’s life. They had a relationship. They became a parent. The entire life of this child was shown. All the while they are in the arms of the angel.

The angel expanded with them, and always held them. Whether the child knew it or not. In any and all stages of life, the angel was there holding them.

And then it struck me, the message. Angels, our spirit teams, however you receive spirit, they are always with us. They are with us whether we acknowledge their existence or not. They are with us, and holding us, and loving us.

With that awareness, I expressed gratitude. I cried and released the heaviness and density that had built up within my energy. With intention I released more energy. Then I remembered that I’d seen synchronistic messages about a quantum shift/jump/leap.

After a few minutes of releasing, breathing, and calming, I opened my eyes again to look at the angel wings on my windows. An animal kept appearing, but it didn’t look real, or I just didn’t perceive it well. My intuition didn’t let up.

Guided back to examine the shape, we started describing what we were seeing. Horns or tall ears, a pointing nose or beak, and sharp evil eyes. The orange sunset turned the angel wings into fire. I saw a phoenix.

I’ve had a long relationship with the mythological phenix. It almost became my logo when I built this website. Almost. I never found an image or interpretation of it that aligned with I was trying to convey. And the phenix has long been a synchronistic message telling me of growth and new cycles.

Spirit was sending me a phoenix. A message that we are rising from the ashes of the past. Rising once again. Again, and again. And then I felt the message come into focus.

Through our spiritual awakenings, we are the phoenix rising from the ashes of the old cycle, over and over again. The phoenix has the ability to rise infinite times. Like us during our spiritual awakenings.

We can rise as many times as we choose.

We can rewrite our destiny over and over again.

Then I heard song lyrics, “I’ll keep holding on. I’ll keeping holding on. I’ll keeping holding on.” The song is, Holding Back the Years, Simply Red, Picture Book, 1985. I knew it was a message, an affirmation for me.

Angels want me to keep holding on. They see my growth and are supporting me as they always have. And then I remembered that I set the intention to attract a physical manifestation of angels for my altar. Their answer was to bless me with a beautiful and magical message.

Days after the experience, the song came to me again. I found the song and the lyrics. And if you haven’t heard that song before, listen to it. The lyrics just hit me in a way that I can’t quite describe. Maybe they will speak to you too.

The image used in this post is mine. The camera doesn’t pick it up like I saw it, but if you look closely, you can see the tops of the wings. You can see the dirty streaks on my windows that look like angel wings.

I’m so grateful you’re here. I love you.

Be well, beautiful soul,
