Cleaning Out the Corners of My Mind

An image of a dirty corner.

You know how when you’re cleaning the floors and you can’t quite get into the sharp corners? Even if the corner is well sealed, it will gather dust and grime, and over time it builds up. We may want to attack the dinginess with a toothbrush. Or we may just let it build up until we have the energy to give it a good clean because it’s the least fun task we can imagine. Which is what I’m doing now, spiritually speaking.

The phase of my spiritual awakening that I’m in now is called “cleansing and purifying” by spirit. We are cleansing those dingy corners in my energy and psyche. The sweeping and scrubbing brings up the most intense energies, which then allows me to process them, and feel them. It’s challenging and exhausting, and also a great opportunity to heal and release old energies. 

I find it easier to do intense inner work in isolation. Spirit provides all the love, support, protection, and guidance that I need. Along with my intuition, I am well guided through many cycles of healing. The angels are in constant contact through numbers and physical synchronicities. In truth, I have everything I need. That doesn’t mean it’s easy. Had this phase happened sooner, I would have given up. 

The energy work that I’ve been doing with spirit, is physically and emotionally exhausting. I often need rest days in between workdays. My body gets tired, and I need a break from the emotions that must be felt and processed to heal them.

We are cleaning the dingy corners that haven’t been touched in…forever. They are dark and full of rage and tears, and they must be faced and acknowledged to myself. Some of the trauma energy that comes up is so old, it sounds like echoes from my childhood. I sometimes even sound like a child having a temper tantrum as I process. And always there is crying those big fat tears of release.

This week I received a message from Spirit, “cleansing and purifying”. Another message this week mentioned being tested before we can receive our manifestations. It felt like finals week, but with a different kind of studying. I never know what’s coming up to be healed. It just happens and I flow with the energy and follow my intuition and guidance.

I have surrendered to the process which means I’m not chasing answers. I’m not overthinking what’s going on. I let it happen because I know it’s happening FOR me and not TO me. The energy is coming up to be healed, and we’re moving through these cycles of healing and growth more efficiently than ever before. With the close of each cycle, I see my growth. I gain insight as to how each cycle is aligning me with my Divine mission and soul intention. It is a challenging time and I feel very blessed for the opportunity.

My spiritual awakening has taken me places that I never dreamed possible. From the beginning when none of it made sense to pieces coming together. I’m come from knowing nothing about spirituality to having direct experience and intimate knowledge of how my own process works. I’ve come from feeling completely alone to being completely loved, supported, protected, and guided by spirit.

I’m excited to cleanse the corners of my mind. Each time I level up, I am healed of the old junk and find deeper peace within me. There is as much peace as there is work. They are balanced in feeling and in energy if not in time. That peace ripples out into every area of my life.

After the fourth cycle this week, I have a little more clarity on this process. Yes, we are cleansing and purifying, we are bringing awareness to our growth, and we are also creating an ego death. My soul is emerging as our “true self”. We are dissolving delusions and discovering our oneness with spirit. Another old version of me is being shed. The corners of my mind aren’t just being cleaned they are being remodeled.

Today’s image was made in Canva.

I’m grateful you’re here, reading and witnessing my awakening process. I love you.

Be well,
