Break Downs and Breakthroughs

A person walking through a dark tunnel towards the light at the end of the tunnel.

It has been happening for months now. In the beginning it was disorienting and scary for me to move through the cycles. Then it became frustrating to continue to move through the heavy and dense energies, cycle after cycle of breakdowns. Lately, I’ve learned to evolve through them and now see them as breakthroughs.

This week I received another message about late-stage spiritual awakening. The process, as I understand, includes the release of all rage and fear. I’ve been calling these processes “ego death”. And the more cycles I move through the more I see the breakthroughs that they inspire.

These cycles have been some of the hardest of my spiritual awakening. When inspired to surface into awareness, the darkest energies come up to be revealed, reworked, and released. The worst parts of my psyche are coming up to be healed.

To be honest, the energy coming up has been scary at times. Old energies of fear, rage, despair, surface to be worked through and released. While in them they feel real. In a recent cycle, it was hard for me to determine reality from illusion.

It was scary, but my Spirit Team was with me every step of the way. Even when I couldn’t feel them, they were with me. When I lost track of the process, I ask for help. Then I felt Spirit come through with loving and healing energies. I knew I was going to be alright, and I began to see the process more clearly.

Once I had awareness of the process, I was able to move through it and use the energies to strengthen my intentions for my life. Seeing the old illusions of fear and rage allows me to release them and move forward in my power.

With each cycle, I find more clarity. With each release of the old, I move towards the new. Each time I emerge from one of these painful cycles, I am stronger. Each time I become a deeper representation of love, wisdom, and abundance.

The painful energy, mostly of fear and rage, show me how much I’ve grown and how much those energies no longer resonate. They show me what I don’t want for my life, which allows me to move towards what I do want for my life.

The contrast between the old energies and what I currently need, want and desire, reveals my intentions for my new life. It becomes easy to affirm and manifest a new life when you have old energies reminding you of what no longer resonates.

And all of this is happening while I’m packing up, moving, and changing my life. Which means that I am watching my old life breakdown in real time and am opening myself to breakthroughs. Again, breakdowns and breakthroughs.

I’m grateful you’re here. I love you.

Be well, beautiful soul,
