An Intense Quantum Jump and Deep Cleaning

A dandelion fluff and it's fluffy seeds drifting in the breeze.

One of my favorite affirmations comes with numerical synchronicities. When I see any combination of the numbers 3-6-9, “I am grateful our spiritual, emotional, and material needs are met.” It has been a part of my spiritual practices for a while.  This past week I turned it upside down and it inspired deep change.

I should have known it was coming. I was getting all sorts of signs of major changes. But instead of tuning into the frequency, I just kept going and didn’t give it much thought. What was meant for me was going to find me no matter what.

I had been feeling flat, low, blue last week when the 3-6-9 combo showed up. At first, I affirmed the positive as usual. But it hit me, no, my needs aren’t met. I said, “Thank you angels, but my needs aren’t met in full, to fulfillment. My spiritual needs are met, and I am grateful, but my emotional and material needs are not met.” I stated clearly how they were not met.

In the moment, I had no idea the impact of my honesty.

The next day, my mood remained low, so I decided to make a trip to the river to practice releasing the old energies. The crystals I was guided to wear should have offered a clue for what was to come; agate, shungite, and carnelian. After walking to the Asian market to get my favorite tea, I spent some time by the river. I released and breathed and exhausted myself. The tears began on the train home.

At first, I was confused, why was I crying on the train? But I realized that we were releasing. By the time I got home, I was ready to collapse from fatigue and emotional heaviness. But I was met with anger and resentment. A fight began and I didn’t want to be a part of it. I had my own emotional energy to deal with; I didn’t need anyone else’s.

I sought refuge in my sanctuary and was left alone for a while. What happened next was less about any fight and was more about my process. I cried and raged quietly for hours. I expressed thoughts and emotions and things I hadn’t felt in years. Some of the energies that came up, I remembered from long ago. I was feeling them and releasing them.

Spirit and I were deep cleaning. We were going deep to release the old energies, and my deepest pain. My childhood pain was felt and expressed. The pain of teenage years came up to be felt and expressed. My emotions exploded like Mount Etna. It was excruciatingly painful.

I expressed rage at Spirit and at my life. I screamed silently. And, when I was alone in the house, I screamed out loud. I cried and cried. There was so much old energy coming up, I almost lost track of the process. For a while I forgot I was expressing the pain to release it.

I expressed it all. I felt it once more to release it and move past it. It took hours, but it felt good to get it all out. Once I had exhausted myself emotionally, I began to settle, but I was still feeling it all. The emotional hangover lasted the rest of the evening.

I went to bed early, exhausted and hoping for peace. I put meditation music on and relaxed. A pillow went under my knees to support my lower back. Eventually I fell asleep and found the peace I was looking for.

When I opened my eyes in the morning, the light was dim. I thought it was early, but when I checked my phone, it was late in the morning. A rare cloudy day had helped me sleep in very late.

My mind had found the peace it needed, and I began my gratitude practice. I had made it through the most challenging quantum jump that I had ever experienced. It was August 8th, the Lions Gate portal.

I spent much of the next day in my sanctuary, quantum jumping and releasing the old energies. Downloads poured in. The Soul Realm came in with healing for our soul, Flame. We found new and resonant energies to affirm. And just like that we moved through a very intense cycle of change and growth. Whew!

Quantum jumps move us forward quickly. Our energy shifts in an instant. But they don’t all feel the same. Each one has its own energy signature, gifts, and blessings. Some are more challenging than others, but they all bring exactly what we need. They all shift us into more resonant energy.

The image in this post is from Canva.

I’m grateful you’re here. I love you.

Be well, beautiful soul,
