A New Divination Experience

A dry riverbed filled with smooth river stones.

Though my path has been very challenging in recent months, there are many beautiful experiences. One happened recently. I had a new divination experience.

Clairvoyance was the first intuitive gift that developed for me. I remember being guided to invest in a scrying mirror a few years ago. I went to my favorite metaphysical store and bought the last one they had in stock. Then I rearranged my altar to accommodate the mirror and adjusted it to minimize reflection.

When it was all set, my afternoon sessions became about scrying. I learned to perceive the images in the mirror. But they weren’t IN the mirror. It was just a blank space to allow me to discern the images within my own awareness. And it was magical.

Some of the first images I saw in my scrying mirror were a sunflower and lion. One magically became the other right in front of my own eyes, but not with my eyes, with my awareness. It amazed me what I could see with that shiny, black, disk.

We practiced for days, and my sensitivity grew. I wasn’t perfect but I did get most everything they showed me. And then I received some feedback from my spirit team. I heard the word “talented”.

In hindsight, scrying was a tool to help strengthen my clairvoyance. It was a gateway into divination, and a gateway into multiple mediums of divination. It was an integral part of the growth of my spiritual gifts.

New Divination Experience.

One of my favorite ways to relax is to watch mudlarking videos. If you don’t know what that is, I wrote about it in a post in 2021. That post is linked here. I was watching a Northern Mudlarks video recently when a new divination experience occurred for me.

The Northern Mudlarks were searching along the banks of a river for treasures. The camera moved to a dry spot covered in smooth river stones. It caught my awareness, and I paused the video.

As if in a trance, I sat and stared at the stones for a few minutes. Then I started to see patterns. And then the patterns began to glow up and show themselves to me. The shapes became things, and my intuition confirmed the shapes. Then letters appeared.

The shapes and letters combined to create a message.

G-O = go

A figure walking.

An image of water.

An image of a sidewalk path, combined with clairvoyant image of a sidewalk in my neighborhood.

A message to go walking to the park and around the lake. It was clear. I asked “When?” and received “tomorrow”. I acknowledged the message with gratitude, and then something else started to come through.

Letters started to glow up from within the image of the stones.

J-E-F-F = The name “Jeff” glowed and entered my awareness.

Jeff? My intuition confirmed. Who’s Jeff?

I used to know a “Jeff” years ago, but I don’t currently know a “Jeff”. I still don’t know what it means, but it was confirmed. Just like the reference to Seattle that came up for me with spirit a few weeks, whatever its meaning will reveal itself in Divine and perfect timing.

I released attachment to the name. I let it all go and focused on gratitude. I expressed my gratitude for the new form of communication, for the gift, and for the guidance.

The past few months have been so very draining. The many quantum shifts in my energy are sometimes exhausting, and the gift was much appreciated.

Clarity Came Later in the Week.

My sanctuary doesn’t have a window. Sometimes the darkness works in my favor, but when I want to see the sky, I can. The glass doors, if positioned just so, reflect a large window where most of my houseplants sit. It also allows me to see the sky and the passing clouds.

While writing the first draft of this post, I was gazing at the reflection of clouds moving across the glass. My entire being, body, mind, heart, and soul relaxed for that moment. I began seeing shapes in the clouds.

As I watched the clouds shift from one animal to another, I slipped into a connection with spirit. New awareness came to me; I’ve been diving through clouds for a long time. Spirit and I often watch the clouds together. Watching the clouds is a doorway into my connection with spirit.

Spirit showed me, as I was writing this post, that we had already been communicating through divination. A picture of river rocks was just the new medium. The clouds were practice.


Today’s image is a screen shot from the Northern Mudlarks' video. It is the riverbed and river stones that I was divining through.

I’m grateful you’re here. I love you.

Be well, beautiful soul,
