A Channeled Message for the Collective

A photograph of bubbles of light.

Late in the afternoon of Thursday, February 6th, I was guided to check my website. They then guided me to see the traffic to my website by country. It listed 58 countries as of the 5th of February. People from 58 different countries in the world clicked on this website.

The message was unclear, so I asked, “Please help me understand the message.” I felt into the energy for an answer. I reached out to the screen and read the names of the countries out loud. And then I exhaled slowly and settled my own energy.

A channel opened. This is the message I received.

“We are channeling now.”

I was guided to open a document. To record this message.

“The world is full of pain.

“I can see the countries that read this blog.

“I can see that there is much change happening in the world.

“Many are waking up. Many are chosen.

“Speak freely. Speak openly.

“Share your wisdom bravely. Courageously.

“My children. You are loved.

“You are never alone.

“Call on us. We are here to help guide you.

“Listen to your soul. Let your soul speak.

“Your soul knows the way.”

Then the energy closed. I tried to reconnect without success. And then I asked if the message was complete. It was not. I asked how I was to share this message.

“Share far and wide.”

I processed the energy and read the channeled message for myself.

From somewhere within me, I asked, “May I tell them who sent the message?”

The channel opened within me once more.

“the one”

The energy sounded exactly as I typed it. Lower case. Clear and gentle.

The Hawk.

Where I live, I face the Colorado Rockies. The view makes the multiple train tracks outside my window easy to tolerate. And the sunsets fill my heart.

The bird messages are frequent because I can see a lot of sky. Geese fly by often. They remind me that my soul knows the way. I felt their energy while channeling.

There are hawks too, or maybe just one hawk. I can’t be sure. It flies over the river near me and sometimes perches on the tower of a nearby manufacturing business.

As I was writing this, something caught my eye. A hawk was circling and calculating its approach to the tower. I ran outside. A message is coming.

Another Channel Opened.

I came back inside and sat down. I felt energy in my hands. It tingled at first and then it felt like someone was holding my hands. I was still. I felt safe.

Awareness came, and I whispered it, “the one is holding my hands”.

I was shown a vision. Me, chasing away unhelpful energy as if shooing away a fly around my head. Awareness came that it was me doing inner work, being disciplined with my thoughts.

I heard, “I see you work. I see you.”

Then I was guided to write this message too. It was by typing it that it settled into my awareness. I began to cry. It was what I had manifested. To be seen.

The channel closed and the energy faded.

The first thing that came to my mind afterwards was a great way to sum up the entire message. We are all together in this world. We are one. We are not alone.


The image in this post reminds me, and my soul, of the soul realm.

I’m grateful you’re here. I love you.

Be well, beautiful soul,

Nikki and the one