About Me

We never know where life is going to take us. We have desires for what we want our life to be, so we take action to make that happen. Sometimes we wake up and no longer resonate with the life we built. So, we seek a different path. And, if we do the work and follow our intuition we get redirected towards our higher purpose.

In 2016 I had a long, more than 20-year, career in accounting and finance. It was a well-rounded career that included both advancement and burnout. Then one day I realized the career that I had nurtured for so long had become unfulfilling and unhealthy for me.

My relationships too, were no longer healthy for me. It became apparent that I needed my life to change, but I had no idea how to make the huge changes I desired. For a time, I didn’t know what to change. I only saw limitations and the fear I felt was overwhelming. I hired a career coach to help me sort out my career and she helped me see things differently.

In 2019, after an astrology natal chart reading, something changed. I left the reading with a new sense of hope and an energetic charge. It was the inspiration I needed to help me envision an entirely new life for myself, one that included spirituality.

In 2020, everything changed. I left my job, trained to become a coach at Co-Active Training Institute, and I opened a coaching practice. In August of 2020, I began writing a blog about personal growth. I was working on myself, and I could sense changes happening within me. I learned to feel the full spectrum of emotions. It was an exciting and scary time as I navigated all the changes in my own life and in the world.

After an intense period of nothingness, I became aware that I was experiencing a dark night of the soul. That meant that I was also experiencing a spiritual awakening. In that moment, I vowed to “see it to the end”, whatever that meant. My life started to change in ways that I didn’t quite understand, but I continued. My blog shifted from personal growth to spirituality and spiritual awakening.

I began studying spiritual topics and spiritual awakening. I studied mindfulness online with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield. I studied to become a meditation teacher with Lorin Roche, PHD, and Camille Maurine at Radiance Sutras Meditation Teacher Training. I took courses in consciousness with Eckhart Tolle and Kim Eng. Every step I took deepened my spiritual life and furthered my awakening process.

In 2021, while training to teach meditation, I experienced my karma when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Decades of self-neglect were being balanced by the intense self-care that cancer required. My entire life, published articles, and the blog shifted again. I closed my coaching practice and wrote about my breast cancer journey. I wrote to give my cancer purpose and to give it meaning. My spiritual training helped me through it all.

It was while healing from cancer that my spiritual awakening continued to expand and grow. The psychic experiences changed me, and I began to write about them. My blog shifted back to spirituality. Around this time, I learned to receive downloads. I learned to connect with spirit and channel, and I learned to work with energy.

Also in 2021, my desire to create content about spirituality grew so I started a YouTube channel. I enjoyed sharing my experiences and the wisdom I had received. Keeping up my spiritual awakening process and the YouTube algorithms proved a bit too much for my body that was still recovering from cancer. I learned to balance my life between doing and being, between spiritual practice and creativity.

My spiritual awakening continued, and I continued to channel with Spirit and communicate with the ethereal realms. My clair sense grew and I experience clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairaudience, and occasionally clairalience. I learned to connect with my intuition more deeply, and to trust it completely.

I was guided to energy healing, energy releasing, and other energy practices. I cleared karma by learning to care for my energetic and physical body. I cleared ancestral karma. I was inspired to share my gifts and continued to write and make videos. All the while parts of myself were still awakening.

I experienced a sexual awakening and soon after a kundalini awakening. In time my heart also awakened. It all moved so quickly, I tried as best I could to share my experiences and wisdom. Writing about it helped me process the changes that I was experiencing, and it allowed me to give back some of the wisdom I had received from spirit.

As I learned to communicate with my spirit team, my awakening moved even faster. I was learning and growing as fast as I could move through the cycles of change. My spirit team guided me forward through inner work and healing. They guided me through psychic growth and to the gift of mediumship in which I found deep healing.

At some point in 2023, what seemed like pieces of me integrated into our higher self. It was then that we found a deeper connection with our soul. Over time I connected with my soul’s intention and purposes for this life. I learned to follow my intuition and spiritual guidance to align with my highest expression of authenticity and with our purpose.

I’ve learned to see my own inner Divinity, which allows me to see it in others. I understand now that we are all one. We are one with the Divine because we are the Divine. I am still human and remind myself of this when I practice compassion.

The fear that used to be my inner world is gone, and I now see unlimited possibilities for my life. I see that I am not alone as I used to feel. I am surrounded by spirit and am never alone. My life has changed completely. I learned to love myself and this life. I learned to love being this soul having their human experience.

My awakening continues. I’m not sure there will ever be an “end” to it. I love this life. It’s not anything that I ever expected my life to be, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love writing about spirituality. I love talking about it. I love connecting with spiritual beings and beautiful souls.

I’ve also found my soul’s purpose, several of them. I’ve learned to align with my Divine life path and from that my soul purposes emerged for me. A few years ago, I could not have imagined what my purpose was. But now, I get to live it every day. I am so very blessed and grateful.

Throughout my awakening journey, there have been challenges and beautiful magic. I have experienced things I didn’t know were possible. My body, mind, heart, and soul have released the old trauma energy and have opened to new energies. It has been the most beautiful, magical, abundant, spiritual journey.

Now, years into my spiritual awakening, I have discovered several of my soul's purposes for this life. Part of that is to help others navigate their spiritual path and awakening journey. I do that in several ways. 

Blog: new posts every Monday, and sometimes more, about all things spiritual. Topics include how to find your soul's purpose, mediumship, spiritual awakening, and so much more.  

Writing Services: My years of experience writing about spirituality during my spiritual awakening combined with my coaching training, mindfulness training, and meditation teacher training make me especially qualified to write your spiritual blog, content, or copy.

Consulting Services: Our spiritual paths are unique and sometimes challenging. My experience and training make me uniquely qualified to be a resource to you on your spiritual path.  

I look forward to working with you on your journey. 

I’m grateful you’re here. I love you.

Be well beautiful soul,






What's New on the Blog

  1. A Letter to My Spirit Team

    Oct 14, 24 02:01 PM

    The image is of a page with handwriting that says, "Dear Spirit Team, WTF"
    Where do we fit in as a highly sensitive, highly intuitive, spiritual, introvert?
  2. How to Start When You Don't Know Where to Start

    Oct 07, 24 11:19 AM

    Two representations of the Fool card from tarot, which symbolizes a leap of faith, new cycle, or a new journey.
    How to start new cycles and phases in your spiritual awakening and in your life.
  3. Divining in Dirty Windows

    Sep 30, 24 10:37 AM

    A sharply angled picture of the tops of my dirty windows.
    This week angels gifted me with divination and a beautiful message to share with you.
  4. What its Like to Move House Before and After Spiritual Awakening

    Sep 23, 24 12:24 PM

    An image of moving boxes and household items.
    We can either move through the world in a way that feels heavy and burdensome, or we can go with flow and live through our intuitive guidance.
  5. Major Cycles are Closing and New Ones are Opening

    Sep 16, 24 10:56 AM

    A line drawing of a woman sitting on a crescent moon. The moon is filled with celestial images.
    My intuition whispers to me, "better is coming".
  6. How to Align Our Energies with Our Manifestation Goals

    Sep 09, 24 01:20 PM

    Two hands, palms upright, holding a small gift in them.
    No matter what our goal is and what we are trying to manifest, aligning our energies is key.
  7. Sometimes the Next Right Steps is Nothing

    Sep 02, 24 10:38 AM

    Autumn trees and stone steps covered in colorful fallen leaves.
    A pause, a rest, a break from “doing” so that we can just “be” and see what comes.
  8. Quantum Jumps and Cherry Picking

    Aug 26, 24 12:04 PM

    An image of dark space dotted with glowing stars.
    How softening the energy made the shifting energies easier.
  9. A New Divination Experience

    Aug 19, 24 10:33 AM

    A dry riverbed filled with smooth river stones.
    After the recent challenging cycles of change and growth I received a beautiful gift.
  10. An Intense Quantum Jump and Deep Cleaning

    Aug 12, 24 11:37 AM

    A dandelion fluff and it's fluffy seeds drifting in the breeze.
    Some are more challenging than others, but they all bring exactly what we need.